Flow de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Fecha de Creación
November 9, 2022
Finanzas Personales
Episodio Podcast

📻 Flow de Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Este famoso psicólgo que ha investigado las "experiencias óptimas" nos revela en esta obra qué hace que una experiencia sea genuinamente satisfactoria. El secreto es lo que este autor denomina Flow (Fluir).

🎧 Escucha en Spotify el resumen que hicimos junto con mi amigo Pedro en “Elemental Podcast”

🎬 Mira en Youtube el resumen que hicimos junto con mi amigo Pedro en “Elemental Podcast”


📑 Resumen gratis del libro redactado por Santiago:

CAPITULO 1. Happiness revisited.

Happiness does not depend on outside event, but, rather, on how we interpret them. People who Learn to control inner experience will be able to determine the quality of their lives, which is as close as any of us can come to being happy.

Flow: the state in which people are so involved In an activity that nothing else seems to matter; the experience itself is so enjoyable that people will do it even at great cost, for the sheer sake of doing it.

Control over consciousness is not simply a cognitive skill. At least as much as intelligence, it requires commitment of emotions and will.

En grandes rasgos el autor propone que la felicidad está en cómo somos capaces de interpretar los hechos y eventos exteriores, en manejar en nuestro interior todas las experiencias.

CAPITULO 2. The anatomy of consciousness

The function of consciousness is to represent information about what is happening outside and inside the organism in such a way that it can be evaluated an acted upon by the body.

A person can make himself happy, or miserable, regardless of what is actually happening “outside”, juset by changing the contents of consciousness.

This ability to persevere despite obstacles and setbacks is the quality people most admire in others, and justly so, it is probably the most important trait not only for succeeding in life, but for enjoying it as well.

The amount of of information that can enter to our consciousness is limited.

Some people learn to use this priceless resource efficiently, while others waste it. The mark of a person who is in control of consciousness is the ability to focus attention at will, to be oblivious to distractions, to concentrate for as long as it take to achieve a goal, and not longer. And the person who can do this usually enjoys the normal course of everyday life.

Experience depended on the way we invest our psychic energy, on the structure of attention. This, in turn, is related to goals and intentions. Therese processes are connected to each other by the self, or the dynamic mental representation we have of the entire system of our goals.

One of the main forces that affects consciousness adversely is psychic disorder, that is, information that conflicts with existing intentions, or distracts us from carrying them out. We give this condition many names, depending on how we experience it: pain, fear, rage, anxiety, or jealousy. All these varieties of disorder force attention to be diverted to undesirable objects, leaving us no longer free to use it according to our preference.

Optimal experience: situations in which attention can be freely invested to achieve a persons goals, because there is no disorder to straighten out, no there at for the self to defend against.

Following a flow experience, the organization of the self is more complex than it had been before. It is by becoming increasingly complex that the self might be said to grow. Complexity is the result of two broad psychological processes: differentiation and integration. Differentiation implies a movement toward uniqueness, toward separating oneself from others. Integration refers to its opposite: a union with other people, with ideas and entities beyond the self. A complex self is one that succeeds in combining these opposite tendencies.

CAPITULO 3. Enjoyment and the quality of life.

There are two main strategies we can adopt to improve the quality of life. The first is to try making external conditions match pour goals. The second is to change how we experience external conditions to make them fit our goals better. Neither of these is effective when used alone.

Enjoyment is characterized by this forward movement: by a sense of novelty, of accomplishment. Complexity requires investing plus hi energy in goals that are new, that are relatively challenging.

To gain personal control over the quality of experience,one needs to Learn how to build enjoyment into what happens day in, day out.



1. A Challenging activity that requires skills.

La mayoría de las experiencias de Flow se dan en actividades que tienen metas y están reguladas con reglas. Son actividades que requieren la inversión de energía psíquica y que no se pueden realizar sin las habilidades apropiadas.

V.gr. La lectura o están con personas.

Una forma de encontrar actividades que son desafiantes es entrar en situaciones de competencia, en la medida que la experiencia este guiada por intentar llegar a nuestro máximo y no este enfocada en vencer al oponente. Tiene que ver con llevar nuestras habilidades al máximo.

Las actividades deben estar en un punto donde se condicen con nuestras habilidades. Es un punto entremedio del aburrimiento, cuando es demasiado fácil, y la ansiedad, cuando es demasiado difícil. Cuando están balanceadas con la habilidad de una persona de actuar.

2. The merging of action and awareness.

Cuando las habilidades de una persona están siendo necesitadas para los desafíos de la situación, la atención de esa persona se ve completamente absorbida por la actividad. Las personas se concentran tanto que la actividad parece casi espontánea, casi automática.

Requiere una gran parte de nuestra habilidad y concentración psíquica.

3. Clear goals and feedback.

La razón por la cual las personas pueden concentrarse a ese nivel es que en las experiencias de Flow las metas suelen ser usualmente claras, y el feedback es inmediato.

4. Concentration on the Task at hand.

Mientras dura, uno es capaz de olvidar todos los aspectos desagradables de la vida. Requieren una completa concentración en la tarea en cuestión, no dejando espacio para pensar en información irrelevante.

5. The paradox of control.

En estas situaciones se tiene la sensación de estar en control de la situación, o por lo menos, no estar en descontrol. Básicamente existe la posibilidad de estar en control de la situación.

La idea es que las habilidades llegan a tal punto donde el margen de error llega casi a cero.

6. The loss of self consciousness.

Una cosa que olvidamos durante las experiencias de Flow es clara: nosotros mismos. Perdemos la sensación de separación entre nosotros y el mundo exterior.

No tenemos miedo de nosotros mismos ni del mundo que nos rodea. No nos sentimos amenazados.

7. The transformation of time.

El tiempo pierde su forma habitual de pasar. Durante las experiencias de Flow el tiempo tiene poca relación con el paso del tiempo medido objetivamente.

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The autotelic experience: The key element of an optimal experience is that it is an end in itself. It refers to a self contained activity, one that is done not with the expectation of some future benefit,m but simply because the doing itself is the reward. The person is paying attention to the activity for its own sake.

CAPITULO 4. The Conditions of flow.

Common characteristics of optimal experience: a sense that ones skills are adequate to cope with the challenge at hand, in a goal directed, rule bound action systems that provides clear clues as to how well one is performing. Concentration is so intense that there is no attention lef over to think about anything irrelevant o to worry about problems. Self consciousness disappears, and the sense of

time becomes distorted. An activity that produces such experience is is so gratifying that people are willing to do it for its own sake, with little concern for what they will get out of it, even when it is difficult, or dangerous.

Activities conductive to flow: They have rules that require the learning of skills, they set up goals, they provide feedback, they make control possible. They facilitate concentration and involve the by making the activity as distinct as possible from the so called paramount reality of everyday experience.

Luego el autor discurre sobre cómo ciertos desórdenes atencionales pueden ser perjudiciales para las experiencias de Flow.

Luego discurre en que se podría decir que a nivel genético ciertas personas serían más capaces que otras de experimentar las experiencias de Flow.

También discurre en que las personas que fueron educadas en familias donde se les daba claridad, centro, elección, compromiso y desafío son las que mejor pueden enfrentar la vida.

CAPITULO 5. The body in flow.

El autor propone una serie de pasos para hacer que una actividad física sea una actividad de Flow:

  1. To set an overall goal, and as many subgoals as are realistically feasible;
  2. To find ways of measuring progress in terms of the goals chosen;
  3. To keep concentrating on what one is doing, and to keep making finer and finer distinctions in the challenges involved in the activity;
  4. To develop the skills necessary to interact with the opportunities available; and
  5. To keep raising the stakes if the activity becomes

Algunas actividades que nos dan Flow: Bailar, el sexo (formas de mejorar, el Kama Sutra), Hatha Yoga, Artes Marciales. También la observación, el oído y la música, el gusto y lo Gourmet, entre otros.

El autor estudia en detalle todas estas actividades.

CAPITULO 6. The flow of thought.**

El autor discurre en que la lectura es una actividad que produce Flow por excelencia.

Luego discurre en que la Memoria es fundamental para experimentar el Flow y es la madre de todas las ciencias. La persona que tiene una buena memoria y entrenada, es una persona que tiene un montón de herramientas disponibles para ser feliz.

Además, es fundamental ir componiendo y uniendo todos los conocimientos que quedan en nuestra memoria. Luego discurre sobre el amor sobre el conocer y las ciencias.

Finalmente, el autor cierra el capítulo hablando de lo fundamental que es el Lifelong Learning.

CAPITULO 7. Work as Flow.

Work can be enjoyable, and that indeed, it is often the most enjoyable part of life. It can be transformed to be so.

Despite the severe limitations many face, there are people who were able to change constraint into opportunities for expressing their freedom and creativity. Their method represented one way to enjoy ones job while making it richer. The other is to change the job itself, until it's conditions are more conducive to flow, even for people who lack autotelic personalities. The more a job inherently resembles a game, with variety, appropriate and flexible challenges, clear goals, and immediate feedback, the more enjoyable it will be regardless of the workers level of development.

There is a lot of evidence saying that jobs are enjoyable, but people doesn't recognize it. When it comes to wok, people do not heed the evidence of their senses. They disregard the quality of immediate experience, and base their motivation instead on the strongly rooted cultural stereotype of what work is supposed to be like. They think of it as an imposition, a constraint, an infringement of their freedom, and therefore something to be avoided as much as possible.

Many people consider their jobs as something they have to do, a burden imposed from the outside, an effort that takes life away from the ledger of their existence. So even though the momentary on the job experience may be positive, they tend to discount it, because it does not contribute to their own long range goals.

Suelen haber 3 grandes problemas con los trabajos:

  1. Falta de variedad y desafío.
  2. Conflictos con otras personas, en especial los
  3. Burnout: demasiado estrés, demasiada presión.(suele ser más común en los escalafones altos de los trabajos).

Finalmente el autor habla de que las personas tienden a perder su tiempo libre haciendo actividades que no los llenan, que no son Flow. Todos debemos tener hobbies que nos hagan experimentar Flow.

CAPITULO 8. Enjoying solitude and other people.

El autor habla de la importancia de tener amigos y rodearse de redes de apoyo. De hecho, el afecto humano es una de las cosas que nos hace más feliz en la tierra.

Luego habla de que las drogas no nos llevan a los estados de Flow.

Además, habla de que debemos ser capaces de experimentar felicidad en nuestras situaciones de soledad.

La soledad es una de las pruebas máximas para demostrar si somos capaces de controlar la forma en que vivimos las cosas. El autor recomienda tener hábitos y rutinas mentales que nos aniden a estar solos y felices en ello.

Luego, el autor se mete en el tema del matrimonio y el Flow y como es necesario armar y adecuar los hábitos entre ambos si no quieren colapsar.

Para que una pareja sea exitosa debe estar diferenciada y a la vez integrada.

Diferenciada quiere decir que cada persona está empujada a desarrollar sus propias características, y a maximizar sus habilidades personales, y poner sus propias metas.

Integrada quiere decir que lo que le pasa a una de las personas afecta a la otra. Lo que le pasa a uno debe importarle al otro.

Además, es fundamental tener metas de largo plazo en común, en conjunto con metas de corto plazo en común. Las actividades de familia deben llevar al mismo punto.

Además, deben invertir energía psíquica en la dinámica y en la familia.

Además, hay que encontrar actividades comunes para la familia, que incluyan las características de las actividades de Flow.

Otra cosa que es importante para los hijos es que haya amor incondicional hacia ellos. De no ser así, se vuelven crónicamente ansiosos.

Family, like any other joint enterprise, needs constant investments of psychic energy to assure its existence.

You have to find new challenges in each other's company. In practice, this kind of investment of psych energy in a friendship or a relationship is unfortunately rare. Few are willing to commit the energy or the time for it.

CAPITULO 9. Cheating chaos.

El autor explica que todas las experiencias traumáticas y muy difíciles en la vida pueden ser transformadas en experiencias positivas mediante nuestra forma de percibirlas interiormente.

Lo mismo nos sucede con las situaciones de estrés.

La Resciliencia es una habilidad fundamental en la vida. Tener las habilidades de salir de salir adelante de las dificultades son fundamentales en la vida.

3 Pasos fundamentales para lograr esto son:

  1. Unselfconscious self The implicit belief that our destiny is on our hands. In that sense one would call them self assured, yet at the same time, their egos seem curiously absent, they are not self centered, their energy is typically not bent on dominating their environment as much as on finding a way to function within it harmoniously. They feel part of whatever goes on around him, and tries to do his best within the system in which he must operate.
  2. Focusing attention on the It is difficult to notice the environment as long as attention is mainly focused inward, as long as most of ones psychic energy is absorbed by the concerns and desires of the ego. People who know how to transform stares into enjoyable challenge spend very little time thinking about themselves.
  3. The discovery of new There are basically two ways to cope with a situation that creates psychic entropy. One is to focus attention on the obstacle to achieving ones foals an then to move them out off the way, thereby restoring harmony in consciousness. This is the direct approach. The other is to focus on the entire situation, including oneself, to discover whether alternative goals may not be more appropriate, and thus different solutions possible.


  1. Setting goals: one must have clear goals to strive Selecting a goal is related to the recognition of challenges. They in turn suggest the skills necessary to operate within the challenge.
  2. Becoming immersed in the activity: After choosing a system of action, a person with an autotelic personally grows deeply involved with whatever he is He has to balance the opportunities for action wit the skills one possesses.
  3. Paying attention to what is happening: It needs to be sensitive to feedback, and It needs to concentrate, to have the ability to sustain
  4. Learning to enjoy immediate experience: Being in control of the mind means that literally anything that happens can be a source of It requires, however, determination and discipline. And it is also necessary trio have an overall context of goals for the events of everyday life to make sense.

CAPITULO 10. The making of meaning.

Having achieved flow in one activity does not necessarily guarantee that it will be carried over to the rest of life. It is possible to give meaning to ones entires life.

It does not matter what the ultimate goal is, provided it is compelling enough toy order a lifetimes worth of psychic energy. As long as it provides clear objectives, clear rules for action, and a way to concentrate and become involved, any goal can serve to give meaning to a persons life.

People who find their lives meaningful usually have a goal that is challenging enough to take up all their energies, a goal that can five significance to their lives. We may refer to this process as achieving purpose.

It is not enough to to find a purpose that unifies ones goals; one must also carry through and meet its challenges. The purpose must result in striving a, intent has to be translated to action. We may call this resolution in the pursuits of ones goals.

When an importance goal is pursued with resolution, and all ones varied activities fit together into a unified flow experience, the result is that harmony is brought to consciousness.

Purpose, resolution and harmony unify life and five it meaning by transforming it into a seamless flow experience.

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